Sunday, April 3, 2011

Balance with three things

When things in my life get overwhelming or stressful, I tend to lean on one, two or all three things that give me balance in my life.

One: exercise. I may be somewhat of a work-a-holic because I would rather be in the best shape of my life for a long time than go without working out and letting myself go. I can never see myself getting out of shape (dramatically, that is. I mean I want kids someday and things are going to have to be accomidated then, but i have time). I like either taking my headphones, cleats and a ball and just practicing moves, forcusing on "not dropping the ball" (yes, very symbolic), and practicing juking the fake player in front of me. It's all about the music and the ball at that point. I don't have to worry about messing up because I hold myself to my own standards and don't worry about being a goof because, trust me, I am a goof anyways.

Two: Hugs. Though I hardly like letting my guard down there are those times I need a hug from people. A friend, family member and a boyfriend. It's a grounding feeling, not in a bad way but to silently say, "It's going to be OK." I constantly feel like I'm the one saying that to other people so when it gets said to me I feel a lot better.

Three: Think Simple. If worse comes to worse, I value the things that some people have to constatnly worry about. For example I might say at least the sun is out, or at least I have my health and the family that I have I know loves me. Now if it's a gloomy day, I have a cold, and no one at home is answering my phone calls, then yes that sucks and you can beat I'm leaning more heavily on options one and two.

Everyone needs balance in their life. Even if the balance they get is to be imbalanced and just go with the flo. That's a structure. Things always work out in the end... just may not be the way you anticipate it working out.