Monday, February 8, 2010

Once upon dream

I took a nap this weekend after having slept in until 12:30 or so. Oh it was nice, thanks for asking! As i slipped away into my slumber my dream turned into a hair-raising nightmare. You know dreams are bad when they are circus or carnival themed! Lucky me it was all of the above. (Please wait to use your Freudian Powers to analyze this when you're finished reading.)

I wish there was some variety as to what kind of people were in my dream but sorry to say, there were the typical clowns, lost crying child holding an ice cream and a balloon, fortune teller lady with a fake towel on her head and a ring leader.
The characters themselves may have varied.

I began walking over a grassy hill, thinking the grass would be greener on the other side. No, not really; it wasn't. I bought my "tickets" which was two strips of bacon stamped with pig faces. I first walked to a dart board. The fat man with a mustache handed me six darts. I took my aim at the typical water balloons. With each throw the fat man got skinnier and younger. (Not better looking) The water balloons were filled with fetuses. Scary right? Tell me about.

Moving on! I went to the fortune teller. This was not the typical bony, skin heavy, raspy speaking creepy lady. No this was a homosexual body builder stature guy. He was wearing a backward baseball cap with a tiny tank top. He told me that by time i wanted to or was able to get married there weren't going to be any diamonds left for my ring.

Then I went on a ride. Usually I am all game for carni rides! The scarier the better. Except for one ride. The ride where you're spinning in a circle and the bucket you're sitting in is also spinning in a separate circle. After I got off this ride people were walking normal but their heads were spinning in circles. Round and round their body.

I finally woke up from this scary, weird, random, illogical dream. I'm watching what i eat from now on and contemplating about testing the water of La Grande.