Sunday, January 31, 2010

Smart Weekend

After a long week of classes, work, maintaining one's health and dealing with unruly people, one is very much looking forward to a relaxing and a care free weekend. I know I was! Little did i know that this weekend was a weekend that brought up many overlooked questions and answered a few with logical responses or excuses. Not that i haven't thought of such things before, I have. The difference is that by some swarming effect, all of these Q and As came in one blissful weekend.

To start, salsa, like ketchup, can go with any food and every food (within stomach preferences). I love salsa and the spicier the better. The house was out of chips and I didn't have anything to mix with the salsa, but I really wanted salsa!!! Luckily I found japanese potato chips (taste no different than American potato chips just shaped differently).
Now, imagine the advertising market for japanese chips and salsa... who would be the spokesperson? A japanese fella in a sombrero? Or a hispanic eating with chop sticks?

Next realization was by accident. If you do not live with me you may not know that I sing or hum with the radio when cooking. I started bee boppin and buzzing my lips when the hissing sound came over me. Just then that thought was randomly linked to people who have a problem with lisping. Sorry if you do, I'm not making fun of you but realizing your dilema. Who invented the word 'lisp'? and why the hell would that person be so cruel to add the letter 'S' in that word? That's just sssssick!

I came upon other revolutionary discoveries such as too much butter in Macaroni and Cheese is a bad thing. Makes the texture feel like you're literally eating a stick of butter.

I realized that smiling at people out of pure kindness results in funny looks from those who you smile at. So don't be kind and smile. Fight your urge to smile at those who are either already cranky and really need a smile or a glimpse of warmth.

The wind is a determining factor in my jogging routine. I aimlessly jog for the heck of it on the weekends when i can (a healthier form of procrastination really). This weekend was so squally I felt like I was jogging in a wind tunnel with a parachute behind me. Needless to say my jog did not last more than a half hour and only for one day.

I thought drunken people were miserable to hang out with but I stood corrected when i met a high and drunk person. He was a winner! Unstable, unbalanced, no motor skills, none of the five senses were of his benefit... yes this was a real person and no i am not referring to a vegetable, even though it may sound to close to call.

There's no such thing as too many chick flicks! Even on a day when one is feeling up to par and like no one or nothing can tear them down, there's always a chick flick. Mine i have seen many times over and over (i secretly have frequent chick flick marathons. Next week's theme is Matthew McConaughey) I never get tired of them.

The worst noise on the weekend is an alarm clock that i forgot to turn to silent. It's just peachy waking up on my day to sleep in to the ear drum destroying 'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP'... Lucky me!

Now that I feel smarter from my weekend i am privileged to go to classes, the doctors, work outs and study like a dedicated student i wish i was.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend of new discoveries

After a long week of classes, work, maintaining one's health and dealing with unruly people, one is very much looking forward to a relaxing and a care free weekend. I know I was! Little did i know that this weekend was a weekend that brought up many overlooked questions and answered a few with logical responses or excuses. Not that i haven't thought of such things before, I have. The difference is that by some swarming effect, all of these Q and As came in one blissful weekend.

To start, salsa, like ketchup, can go with any food and every food (within stomach preferences). I love salsa and the spicier the better. The house was out of chips and I didn't have anything to mix with the salsa, but I really wanted salsa!!! Luckily I found japanese potato chips (taste no different than American potato chips just shaped differently).
Now, imagine the advertising market for japanese chips and salsa... who would be the spokesperson? A japanese fella in a sombrero? Or a hispanic eating with chop sticks?

Next realization was by accident. If you do not live with me you may not know that I sing or hum with the radio when cooking. I started bee boppin and buzzing my lips when the hissing sound came over me. Just then that thought was randomly linked to people who have a problem with lisping. Sorry if you do, I'm not making fun of you but realizing your dilema. Who invented the word 'lisp'? and why the hell would that person be so cruel to add the letter 'S' in that word? That's just sssssick!

I came upon other revolutionary discoveries such as too much butter in Macaroni and Cheese is a bad thing. Makes the texture feel like you're literally eating a stick of butter.

I realized that smiling at people out of pure kindness results in funny looks from those who you smile at. So don't be kind and smile. Fight your urge to smile at those who are either already cranky and really need a smile or a glimpse of warmth.

The wind is a determining factor in my jogging routine. I aimlessly jog for the heck of it on the weekends when i can (a healthier form of procrastination really). This weekend was so squally I felt like I was jogging in a wind tunnel with a parachute behind me. Needless to say my jog did not last more than a half hour and only for one day.

I thought drunken people were miserable to hang out with but I stood corrected when i met a high and drunk person. He was a winner! Unstable, unbalanced, no motor skills, none of the five senses were of his benefit... yes this was a real person and no i am not referring to a vegetable, even though it may sound to close to call.

There's no such thing as too many chick flicks! Even on a day when one is feeling up to par and like no one or nothing can tear them down, there's always a chick flick. Mine i have seen many times over and over (i secretly have frequent chick flick marathons. Next week's theme is Matthew McConaughey) I never get tired of them.

The worst noise on the weekend is an alarm clock that i forgot to turn to silent. It's just peachy waking up on my day to sleep in to the ear drum destroying 'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP'... Lucky me!

Now that I feel smarter from my weekend i am privileged to go to classes, the doctors, work outs and study like a dedicated student i wish i was.